Meme Center Wiki
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The MemeCenter homepage as of 07/10/2015

Welcome to the MemeCenter Wiki[]


MemeCenter is a humor-based and community website founded on January 1st, 2012 and hosted in the United States. The site focus lies mainly in common repetition of popular images and memes, such as “rage comics” and "advice animals ", along with original content (OC) from various users and artists such as vlade (though he reposts from tumbler a lot), raze, gafcomics, photoshoper, hobo and much more. Over many years MemeCenter has been substantially increasing posts that were made by many users. There was even a time when some artist were paid by the admins of the site for their work and original content (for example GearBoy)

Memecenter's Introducion Video:[]


Introducing MemeCenter


MemeCenter allows its users to easily generate and share memes on the website through a variety of tools, allowing options for creating rage comics, demotivational posters and image macros, amongst others. On February 19th 2013, MemeCenter published a harlem shake video of their staff on their youtube channel:


Harlem Shake - Memecenter Staff Edition

Site Features []

Memecenter offer many user-friendly feature to the user making it easy to use for many user, from profile to comment section,



The userbase as of 07/10/2015 it shows the daily/weekly top poster

Userbase show the ranking of Memecenter user daily/weekly/monthly/all-time. Rank increased as the user gain likes and upvote from commenting,posting and gaining follower

NOTE : Rank are just for decoration, it had no effect on your profile whatsoever


Trophies are gained when you complete certain activity in memecenter,It is not know of how many Memecenter trophies are out there also trophy are just for decoration on your profile which is nice



known memecenter trophy

User Profile[]

After registering a user can like ,upvote ,follow and comment and had their very own customizable profile.A user can change profile picture, profile header, desc, personal Information, and username (if the user haven't posted anything yet)

FireShot Capture - (1) Meme Center Pea Pod Settings - http www.memecenter

Profile customization



FireShot Capture - (1) Meme Center Zain.mustafa.399 - http zain.mustafa

what will your profile will look like (from other user POV)


Feed are content from the user you follow on memecenter such as post, status update and comment.

you can also post status update to inform your follower something


what does feed button looks like

Comment Section[]

Latest Activity[]
