Meme Center Wiki
Memecenter 5.11

The Memecenter homepage as of 5/11/13

Welcome to the Meme Center Wiki

The wiki is finding memes found through the Internet.

Make sure to go meme searching for new pages.

What is Memecenter?

Memecenter is a community site based on internet memes and spreading them to others. It was founded on 1/1/012 by "Ben" and "Mustapan".

Users can create their own account to create their own memes, follow other users and like other memes, either by creating an account with an e-mail address or a Facebook account. Without an account, users can only browse memes, but not contribute to the site. The site features a levelling system for users, although the exact formula for experience is gained, 1xp is gained when one of the user's memes is liked, 50xp if the user's panel is chosen for an interactive rage comic (currently removed) and xp gained for facebook shares, tweets, comment likes, follows and featured posts. The more xp you gain the higher your rank will climb. Once you've gained alot of xp your account will be displayed on the "top userbase sectoin." The usebase is divided into seperate sections: daily, weekly, monthly, and all time. Many different types of users are also found throughout Meme Center. Awesome5 is not a feg, but hakma and darkchi are. The site's circle jerk levels however, are beyond any other meme site as of today.




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